The International Institute has signed three Memorandum of Understanding with University of British Columbia (Vancouver,Canada), Julius Maximilian University (Wurzburg,Germany) and the University of Delhi during the last three years to facilitate collaborative activities , researches and exchange of students and faculty. Under the MOU, two batches of German students visited the Institute and attended two international workshops on Women’s Empowerment. Dr.Bani Bora , a Senior fellow of the Institute visited the Julius Maximilians university and University of British Columbia for a month and delivered lectures on Indian adult education and women’s empowerment.

Dr. Thomas J. Sork, Senior Associate Dean, International and Administration Professor, Adult Education, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada visited the institute on November 10, 2014 along with Mr. Shapoor Marfatia, Director, Business Development of The University of British Columbia and held discussions with the Professor S.Y.Shah, Director, IIALE on the ongoing activities and possibilities of initiating collaborative programmes with the University of British Columbia and the Institute. Dr. Shah shared the details of collaboration with the Wurzburg University and experiences of the four German students who visited the institute in connection with the research study of academic professionalization of adult education. Professor Sork visited the new facilities at the IAEA building specially the guest house, seminar and research room and the renovated documentation Center and hoped that the new facilities at the Institute would facilitate the organization of collaborative programmes in course of time.

Professor Regina Egetenmeyer of the Julius Maximilian University also visited the Institute and interacted with the faculty and delivered Professor James A Draper Memorial Lecture.

   Prof. Regina's recent visit to IAEA/IIALE
   IIALE and Helmut Schmidt University Signed MOA for Academic Cooperation
                               From L-R: K.C.Choudhary, S.Y.Shah and Sabine Schmidt - Lauff
The International Institute of Adult and Lifelong Education, New Delhi and Professorship of Continuing Education, Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg, Germany signed a Memorandum of Understanding for academic cooperation. This arrangement was materialized after Professor S.Y.Shah, Director, International Institute of Adult and Lifelong Education and Shri K.C.Choudhary, Chancellor had a detailed discussion with Professor Dr.S.Schmidt–Lauff, Head of the Professorship, Helmut Schmidt University during her visit to Indian Adult Education Association on October 22, 2016. Further discussions were held when Professor Shah was invited by Professor Schmidt-Lauff to give a presentation on Adult Education in India and its Relevance for Germany at the Helmut Schmidt University on November 24,2016. Subsequently the MOA has been signed by Professor S.Y.Shah on behalf of the institute and Professor Dr. W. Seidel, President of the Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces in December.

The academic cooperation agreed upon is for three years (2017-2020) with the provision to extend by mutual consent between the two institutions. The areas of cooperation indicated in MOA are:

  • Facilitating the placement of students of Helmut Schmidt University at IIALE for field work and gaining practical experience.
  • Providing access to library facilities and other resources of the IIALE to students of Helmut Schmidt University.
  • Conducting joint research project.
  • Expending research in international comparative Adult and Lifelong Education/organizing research methodology courses.
  • Organizing national/international workshops/seminars for BA/MA students and Ph.D. students.
  • Exchanging documentary publications and teaching materials regularly.
  • Briefing of visitors from the other institution.
  • Any other form of cooperation which the two institutions may jointly arrange, including cooperation with other departments of the Helmut Schmidt University. This cooperation will be outlined in a separate Memorandum of Understanding.
   MoU with Julius Maximilian University, Wurzburg
In order to promote academic cooperation between the International Institute of Adult and Lifelong Education (IIALE) and the Julius Maximilian University (JMU), Wurzburg, Germany a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Professor S.Y. Shah, Director, IIALE and Professor Dr. Eckhard Pache, Vice President for Internationalization, Adult and Continuing Education at the Institute of Education, JMU recently. The academic cooperation agreed upon is initially for three years, i.e. 2015-2018 which may be extended by mutual consent between the two institutions for a further period of three years.
The areas of cooperation are:
  • Facilitating the placement of students of University of Wurzburg for field work and gaining practical experience.
  • Providing access to the library facilities and other resources of the Institute to students of Wurzburg.
  • Organizing training programmes and research methodology courses.
  • Conducting joint research projects.
  • Organization of national/international workshops/seminars.
  • Exchanging documentary publications and teaching materials regularly.
  • Briefing of visitors from the other institution.
  • Any other forms of co-operation, which the two institutions may jointly arrange, including cooperation with other departments of the University of Wurzburg. This cooperation will be outlined in a separate Memorandum of Understanding.

The MoU was operationalised when six students of the Masters programme in Lifelong Learning from the University of Delhi and three doctoral students from Jawaharlal Nehru University were selected to participate in the International Winter School on Comparative Studies on Adult and Lifelong Learning held at the University of Wurzburg ,Germany during January 27th till February 7th, 2015. The selection of students and their orientation was facilitated by the International Institute in cooperation of University of Delhi and JNU. All the expenses connected with the travel, stay and health insurance for ten days workshop in Wurzburg were covered by the DAAD scholarship provided by the German Government.

The Winter School provided an opportunity to the Indian students to meet their counterparts from eleven European universities and attend 15 lectures on various aspects of adult and lifelong learning by eminent international scholars and get a comparative perspective on developments in Asia and Europe.

The winter school was coordinated by Professor Dr. Regina Egetenmeyer of the Institute of Education, JMU who is also a Visiting Professor of the International Institute.

   MOU with University of Delhi
With a view to promote academic cooperation between the International Institute of Adult and Lifelong Education (IIALE) and the Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension (DACEE), University of Delhi a Memorandum of Understanding was signed on January 9, 2015 by the two institutions represented by Professor S.Y.Shah, Director, IIALE and Professor Rajesh, Head of the Department, DACEE in the presence of Shri K.C.Choudhary, Chancellor, IIALE. The terms of cooperation are:
After the signing of MoU with the Stockholm University on March 16, 2018. At center is seen Dr. Jari Linikko, Director of Studies along with Dr. Elizabeth Adams Lyngback and Dr. Khaleda Gani Khan of Stockholm university
  • Facilitating the placement of students of University Delhi at the Institute for field work and gaining practical experience.
  • Providing access to the library facilities and other resources of the Institute to students.
  • Organizing training programmes and research methodology courses.
  • Conducting joint research projects.
  • Organization of national/international workshops and seminars.
  • Exchanging documentary publications and teaching materials regularly.
  • Briefing/orientatingvisitors from other institutions/organizations.
  • Any other forms of co-operation, which the two institutions may jointly arrange.
   MoU with the Stockholm University
After the signing of MoU with the Stockholm University on March 16, 2018. At center is seen Dr. Jari Linikko, Director of Studies along with Dr. Elizabeth Adams Lyngback and Dr. Khaleda Gani Khan of Stockholm university
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